Advantages and Disadvantages - Electronic Cash >view
Electronic Cash (E-Cash) or electronic money are playing more significant role in our daily life due to the rise of internet usage. Most of the money form today is in electronic. However with new invention of tool doesn’t mean that it will bring all positive results as nothing is perfect in this world.
We can transfer funds, purchase stocks, and offer a variety of other services without having to handle physical cash or checks as long as bank is providing such services online. The significant effect is we do not have to queue in lines, thus saving our time.
Debit cards and online bill payments allow immediate transfer of funds from an individual's personal account to a business's account regardless the designated place (around the globe) by few clicks without any actual paper transfer of money. This bring convenience individual like us and businessmen.
Consumers will have greater privacy when shopping on the Internet using electronic money instead of ordinary credit cards.
E-cash and E-Cash transaction security are the major concern. Frauds on E-Cash are on the catch recent years. Hackers with good skill able to hack into bank accounts and illegally retrieve of banking records has led to a widespread invasion of privacy and has promoted identity theft. There are many other tricks including through phishing website of certain banks and emails.
Money flow and criminal/terrorist activities are harder to be traced by government. With the continued growth of E-Cash, money flow in and out of countries at immediate speed without being traced will weaken the government's ability to monitor and income in tax. Money laundering and tax evasion could be uncontrollable in e-cash systems as criminals use untraceable internet transaction to hide assets offshore.
E-Cash is not for everyone. Low income groups without computer and internet access are unable to enjoy the usage of E-Cash. This issue shall be resolved so that E-Cash could be implemented widely.
There is also a pressing issue regarding the technology involved in electronic cash such power failures, internet connection failure, loss of records and undependable software. These often cause a major setback in promoting the technology.
How to Explore the Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Cash >view
Step 1
Think about the advantages and disadvantages of electronic cash when it comes to the time aspect. Although it doesn't take a ton of time to write a check or pay with money and wait for change, it does take longer than a simple debit or credit card transaction. If you hate waiting in lines at the grocery store, this might help things along.
Step 2
Consider the safety of your finances. In general, the advantages and disadvantages of electronic cash lean in the direction of safe when it comes to E-money. There is less chance of someone stealing your wallet and using your money because cash is unmarked. Credit and debit cards, on the other hand have names and PIN codes. Of course, if someone actually does hack your account, however, a lot more money is at stake.
Step 3
Turn your mind towards the amount of money it would take to provide everyone with the equipment necessary for an entirely E-money system. Every single individual would have to have access to this equipment, or they would be broke. Something like this is so overwhelming to think about, it belongs in the advantages and disadvantages of electronic cash category.
Step 4
Consider how people get into financial troubles by overspending with their credit card. There is something much easier about swiping a card rather than giving someone physical money. Advantages and disadvantages of electronic cash also deal with the aspect that perhaps it would be too easy for people to spend. If we think there are financial problems now, think about an all E-money world.
electronic cash : advantages and disadvantages
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Electronic money : advantages and disadvantages
AdvantagesMost money in todayĆ¢€™s world is electronic, and tangible cash is becoming less frequent. With the introduction of internet / online banking, debit cards, online bill payments and internet business, paper money is becoming a thing of the past.
Banks now offer many services whereby a customer can transfer funds, purchase stocks, contribute to their retirement plans (such as Canadian RRSP) and offer a variety of other services without having to handle physical cash or checks. Customers do not have to wait in lines; this provides a lower-hassle environment.
Debit cards and online bill payments allow immediate transfer of funds from an individual's personal account to a business's account without any actual paper transfer of money. This offers a great convenience to many people and businesses alike.
DisadvantagesAlthough there are many benefits to digital cash, there are also many significant disadvantages. These include fraud, failure of technology, possible tracking of individuals and loss of human interaction.
Fraud over digital cash has been a pressing issue in recent years. Hacking into bank accounts and illegal retrieval of banking records has led to a widespread invasion of privacy and has promoted identity theft.
There is also a pressing issue regarding the technology involved in digital cash. Power failures, loss of records and undependable software often cause a major setback in promoting the technology.
Privacy questions have also been raised; there is a fear that the use of debit cards and the like will lead to the creation by the banking industry of a global tracking system. Some people are working on anonymous ecash to try to address this issue.
Pros and Cons of E-Cash >view
Benefits of e-Cash
The advantages of E-cash for the customer is convenience because customers do not have to bring the change with them E-cash is either in an E-Cash account waiting to be drawn upon, or is conveniently loaded onto a credit card size " smart " card. Consumers shopping on the Internet will find some forms of electronic money which sports greater privacy than using ordinary credit cards.
For the merchants, E-Cash allows access to a global market not restricted and controlled by local currencies. The integration of ordering and payment collection systems also offers enormous operational efficiency. E-cash can also be programmed to restrict or limit the types of purchases made, unlike paper money. Special option could be programmed in the electronic version of petty cash that would limit purchases on only specific products or services such as supplies at an Office Deport, but not a beer at the nearby pub. Parents could wire to a college student E-cash that is designated for tuition and rental. Another advantage for the merchants is market swings could be magnified if consumers and businesses could send their money around the globe with the touch of a button on a PC.
Limitations of e-Cash
One of the major concerns for the issuers is that counterfeiters could create their own personal mints of E-cash that would be indistinguishable from real money. The disadvantage of instituting the E-cash is that only consumers with PCs would have ready access to use it, while those without, many of low-income consumers would not. E-cash may be less secure than bank money, given that money stored on an electronic wallet could be lost forever should the card is damaged.
More importantly is the governments need to monitor money flow and trace criminal activities. These problems need to be addressed and resolved in order to gain consumers and government "trust." With the traditional system of money exchange, the US Federal Reserve monitors, stimulates and tightens the flow of money in order to maintain a stable economy. Governments and central banks control of the money flow has already been loosened, but with the continued growth of E-cash, money flow in and out of countries at lightening speed without being traced, will weaken the government's ability to monitor and tax. Uncontrolled growth of E-cash systems could undermine bank and government controlled money systems, giving rise to a confusing and inefficient competing systems. Money laundering and tax evasion could proliferate in stateless E-cash systems as criminals use untraceable cyberdollar to hide assets offshore. If computer hackers or other criminals were to break into E-cash systems, they could instantaneously filch the electronic wealth of others. In summary, we present the advantages and disadvantages for the current E-Cash offerings in the following table: